Friday, May 13, 2011

Dr. Zhivago

I really enjoyed this book - wonderfully descriptive and imaginative writing and thoughtful reflections upon the individual versus the state.  Strange that I didn't care much for Zhivago....or for any of the other characters, really!  Well, the one main character I liked was Russia - vividly and lovingly portrayed.

The Broker

Recommended by our Italian tutor, Antonio, this was the first book I have read by John Grisham and it's unusual for him, because it's not about lawyers as much as it's a kind of spy story in which a miserable power broker, Joel Backman, betrays his country for money, is caught and thrown into a high security prison, but after six years is pardoned by a lame duck President, at the behest of the CIA. The CIA wants to learn more about the secrets Backman was selling by finding out who will kill Backman after his release! So they drop him in Italy, help him get adjusted, and then leak his whereabouts to the Russian, Chinese and Israeli security forces. Well, it's not fantastic literature, but it IS a page turner, and it's laced with Italian phrases, and wonderful descriptions of the people and sights of Bologna. Leggiamo!