Sunday, July 7, 2013

Book Blog Tags

Hello all,

I think one of the nicest features of this blog is the tag ("label") system, which allows you to find interesting reviews on a wide variety of topics by clicking on a label at the bottom of a post. I have tried at various times to go back and add labels to posts which were labeled minimally or not at all, to help build this feature.

Today, I began a new project, of organizing all the existing tags into some sort of schematic. Not really a necessary project, but it was interesting to see what all we had come up with over the years. I will probably edit this list from time to time.

Heads up, many of these tags could fit in different categories, so I went with what seemed best to me, but if there are any mistakes (e.g., fictional personnage in the historical personnage list), please do let me know, as I didn't recognize all of the labels. (Also, I tried to be pretty serious about the categories --although it was tempting to editorialize by putting "capitalism" under "Maladies," for example, I resisted those urges.)

Thanks, and enjoy!


Authors, Thinkers, and Historical Personages
Alexander McCall Smith, Alice Waters, Amara Lakous, Ann Patchett, Anthony Bourdain, Armitage, Asimov, Arthur Upfield, Baroness Emmuska Orczy, Ben Franklin, Billy Collins, Bin Laden, Bogart, Bologna, Branch Rickey, Buddha, Camilleri, chandler, China Mieville, Confucius, Dalgliesh, Dante, David Foster Wallace, David Harvey, David Sedaris, Day Lewis, Dorothy Sayers, dostoevsky, Douglas Adams, Edith Wharton, Elbert Hubbard, Emily Dickinson, Ernest Callenbach, Fermi, Fortinbras, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Galileo, Gawain, George Eliot, Greimas, Hegel, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Herman Melville, Hoover, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Isaiah Berlin, J.K. Rowling, Jack Kennedy, Jackie Robinson, Jaimy Gordon, James, James Russell Lowell, Jim Butcher, John Brunner, John Grisham, John Masefield, Jonathan Franzen, Joseph Conrad, Josh Foor, Joyce Carol Oates, JT Kalnay, Kay Thopson, Ken Wilber, kim stanley robinson, Kimball, King, Kurt Vonnegut, Lauren Belfer, LBJ, Le Carre, le Carré, Lee Blessing, Leonid McGill, Lisbeth Salander, Lyndon Johnson, Marcus Samuelsson, Marx, Mikael Blomkvist, Miyazaki, Napoleon, Neal Stephenson, Ned Kelly, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Orwell, pasternak, Paul Gilding, philip k. dick, Philip Marlowe, Philip Pullman, Plato, Reinhold Nieburhr, Robert Caro, Robert Kennedy, Robert Louis Stevenson, Roycroft, Sam Irvine, Sayers, Seeger, Shakespeare, Sir John Mortimer, Smiley, Stanislaw Lem, Stephen Hawking, Stieg Larsson, Studs Terkel, Tesla, Thackeray, Thomas Cleary, Thoreau, Tim Powers, Tolstoy, Trenton lee Stewart, Truman Capote, Turgenev, Umberto Eco, upfield, Ursula K. LeGuin, vory, walter benjamin, walter m. miller, Walter Mosley, Warren Buffett, william gibson, William Kennedy

Fictional Personages and Series
Bony, Hamlet, Harry Potter, Harry Dresden Files, Inspector Montalbano, Moby Dickens, Mysterious Benedict Society, Neuromancer, Rabbit Fence, Satan, Spiderman, Wimsey

Categories and Groups of People
Aborigine, aristocracy, baby, bushman, celebrity, coven, cowboy, dandy, doctor, dysfunctional family, idoru, immigrant, family, ghosts, junkies, LGBTQ, mafia, monk, nark, orphan, otaku, outlaw, pirates, police, private eye, prostitutes, serial killer, social networks, spy, teenager, twins, witches

aliens, animals, demons, giant flying cats, mutants, panther, snakes, stoats, swordfish, vulture, whales


adventure, apocalypse, apocalyptic literature, autobiography, biography, children's book, classic, comedy, comic book, coming of age, cyberpunk, detective, diary, drama, dystopia, essays, epic, experimental, fantasy, fiction, futuristic, graphic novel, light reading, lit theory, magical realism, mini-reviews, mystery, noir, nonfiction, Odyssey, parable, play, poetry, post-apocalyptic, post-nuclear, practical advice, National Book Award, problem comedy, propadana, revolutionary, romance, russian lit, satire, sci-fi, self-help, seminal, series, short stories, social commentary, steampunk, thriller, utopia, western, whodunit

comic, dark, depressing, heartwarming, humor, inspirational, motivational, searing, sentimental, uncomfortable

art, astrobiology, astrophysics, cosmology, criminal justice, geology, ecology, economics, health, history, law, math, medicine, metaphysics, philosophy, politics, psychology, religion, science, statistics, theology, theory, zoology

alcoholism, autism, blindness, cancer, disease, drug culture, insomnia, paranoia, schizophrenia, tuberculosis

Computers and Sci-Fi
artifical intelligence, computer virus, computers, cyberspace, Fermi's paradox, hacking, nanotechnology, robot, space exploration, spaceship, time-travel, video games, virtual reality

Other Topics
abortion, adultery, airline, banks, baseball, chess, CIA, coal mining, cooking, corruption, cricket, crime, cuisine, death, espionage, eucharist, farming, feces, finance, fishing, folk music, food, gaming, glossolalia, heresy, horseracing, labyrinth, Latin, legal system, magic, martial arts, matrix, media, memory, mnemonics, murder, music, money laundering, networking, newspaper, organic, parenting, penicillin, precognition, protest, revenge, seafaring, semiotic square, sexuality, soul patches, technology, tennis, terrorism, tombstones, travel, treasure hunt, UN, war


Historical Events and Time-period
1600s, 1700s, 1812, 1930s, 1970s, Civil War, Copernican revolution, early 1900s, French revolution, mid-1800s, postmodernity, revolutionary war, Soviet Russia, Spanish Civil War, twentieth century, World War II


Africa, amazon, America, ancient Greece, Australia, Boston, Buffalo, California, Chez Panisse, China, Egypt, England, Ethiopia, farm, Florida, France, Ghana, graveyard, India, Indonesia, Inferno, Israel, Italy, Japan, Los Angeles, manhattan, mars, monastery, moscow, New York, New Zealand, Niagara Falls, Nicaragua, NYC, old west, Online, Orange County, outerspace, Pacific Northwest, Philadelphia, Poland, Provence, Rockefeller Institute, Rome, Russia, Seattle, Thailand, Tokyo, vienna, Vietnam


Concepts, Movements, Ideologies and Ways of Life
asceticism, capitalism, communism, conspiracy, Daoism, democracy, emergence, environmentalism, free will, gnosticism, green movement, Judaism, liberty, messianism, mysticism, nihilism, poverty, power, racism, rationality, realism, spiritual enlightenment, spirituality, zen

Historical Events and Trends
Black history, civil rights, colonization, evolution of culture, global climatic disruption, globalization, race relations, serfdom

1 comment:

  1. Wow! First, thanks for all the hard work. It was quite interesting to see the scope of what we have all been covering (thanks, Will, for pushing the envelope! Haha) I will try to keep up my own end by adding tags to my posts. One of the reasons I have really enjoyed this blog is both to find out what everyone is up to and also to get new ideas for reading. In this regard, it would be fun to analyze the cross-fertilization; like, how many times has a member read something that was first reviewed by someone else? I think I'll review this for myself - off the top of my head, both Sparrow (Jesse's original review) and Canticle for Leibowitz (Colin) were things I really enjoyed that otherwise would never have found. Oh yeah, and The World Jones Made (Lauren). Oh, and particularly A Fierce Radiance (Eileen). It's's working....


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