First of all, this isn't what it looks like.
One would expect this to be an annoying non-fiction book about how to act in theater.
Au contraire. The book is set as a novel that illustrates the journey of one actor, and shows how one could similarly learn to act.
The reason I post this up here is because non-actors, if they are enlightened, will find deeper meaning in this book. This book teaches a way of life.
Anyway, the book's a great read, and if you're into that whole self-help/self-improvement shtick, you'll find this to be quite the interesting book.
Also, please tell me if you like shorter reviews. I feel like I use 5 words for every one word of my fellow bloggers, so I tried to shorten this one up.
Will, I enjoy all your posts - long AND short. Keep 'em comin'!