Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Colin gave me this for my birthday and I only recently started reading it. Of course, I probably won't finish it before school's out, but maybe I can read it during spring break. Regardless I am making pretty decent headway (~1/2 way through) and I am really liking it! I was very unenthusiastic about reading it because I thought I didn't like magical realism (since Winter's Tale disagreed with me so much) but I actually think this is awesome! Very powerful visual imagery and interesting story line.

Also, this book seems to me to have been a very large influence on Jonathon Safran Foer's novel Everything is Illuminated. If anyone else has read both these books, does that strike you as well?

Update: finished the book! Thought it was very good. For anyone who is considering reading this but thinks they have no time to read: this book lent itself very well to being read 1 paragraph at a time over a period of months.